Caring for Others

Raymond Corrigan

Five years ago, our newly formed community group in Steilacoom engaged in a meaningful discussion about how to put our faith into action with acts of service. Among the various ideas, a concept from one of our original members, the late Pammy Sue Richardson, resonated deeply with everyone: creating Blessing Bags for the homeless.

Many followers of Christ want to help those experiencing homelessness, as we recognize their worth in God’s eyes (Matt 25:35, Prov 19:17, Isa 58:10), but may not know exactly the best way to do so. Blessing Bags offer a small yet impactful way to aid. Instead of ignoring those in need, we can share essential items, Scripture, and resources to help them find further support.

Pammy Sue’s proposal was to fill gallon-sized Ziploc bags with food, toiletries, and personal supplies, encouraging Scripture and a list of local resources. We then keep these bags in our cars to distribute when we meet someone in need.

The assembly process is simple and engaging, fostering community collaboration. Participants choose items to contribute from a list, and on assembly day, we gather to pack the bags, enjoying fellowship and food together.

This initiative not only provides practical assistance but also demonstrates compassion, builds community, and reinforces our faith. We continue this tradition in our group in order to put our faith into action and remember Pammy Sue, who inspired our outreach. I always look forward to assembly day, and every time I hand one out, I’m reminded of God’s provision to me through my community group.
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