A Story of God's Perfect Peace

Andie Regenfuss

I had the pleasure of attending the LC3 Discipleship Conference in January. I was particularly moved during a breakout session with Pastor Marc Gauthier called “Cultivating Life-Giving Rhythms.” During the second half of the session, Pastor Marc walked us through the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. First, we read the same passage slowly, repeatedly, focusing on just that one short passage: 

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.   Numbers 6:24-26

As I read the scripture, I was struck with fear at the thought of the Lord turning His face toward me. Would He recoil? Would He turn away in anger or disgust? Then Pastor Marc walked us through the REFLECT, RESPOND, and REST portions of the practice, each time inviting us to write a few notes about what we learned or how God spoke to us through His Word. As I prayed and read the passage a few more times, God reminded me that I am wholly forgiven through Christ (praise!) and a beloved daughter. Any fear I experienced in this instance was a lie of the enemy and should be replaced with the truth of His love for me and the perfect peace I can feel in the gaze of my heavenly Father. I was surprised to find that even a short piece of scripture could be used for correction by the Holy Spirit!

When Pastor Marc invited us to share what we learned, I was even more encouraged to hear how God used the same bit of scripture to encourage each of us in so many different ways. I love that God speaks to us through His Living Word. What a gift!




