Wanted: Dream Teaching Job

Janet Spingath

What teacher doesn’t long to share her expertise with a class made up of engaged students with no homework or tests to grade after class? That was the opportunity AGAPE Homeschool Co-op offered to me.
I had the opportunity to teach middle school students everything I knew about our watershed. There were only two requirements for the students: don’t speak when someone else is talking and ask lots of questions. The students were great! Engaged, enthusiastic and curious. Everything was hands-on learning. I gained even more knowledge as I was able to use my community connections to bring in presenters who designed hands-on educational opportunities in their fields of expertise. Parents were super supportive and interested.
After several years working as an emergency substitute for Clover Park schools, coming to “work” to face these motivated students was such a joy. The added bonus for me was the Mom’s Bible Study I was invited to join. The depth of Biblical knowledge was deep and I
grew in my faith. I heartily recommend, if you have the time to teach these homeschooled children’s minds, don’t miss an opportunity for blessing!
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