Care & Support

 “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
1 John 3:17-18 (ESV)

Financial Peace University

Understand your finances; create a plan to stop living paycheck to paycheck; build wealth so you can give generously; or simply understand God’s way of handling money. Classes are offered fall and winter quarters, watch our Events page or contact Jim Collins for more information.

Bread of Life Food Bank

Thursdays, 1-5pm |  LC3 Gym

Providing nutritious food to people in need with compassion, dignity, and respect. We serve Lakewood and the surrounding community. Please bring a photo ID if available.

Thursdays, 6:30-8pm | Kids Main

re | engage

Re|engage examines God's design for marriage and applies biblical principles to guide couples towards growth in their relationship with each other. This is a great opportunity for couples who are having relationship challenges as well as couples looking to grow and strengthen their relationship.

Re|engage is open to newcomers! We meet in person at the church every week. You can join at any time during this year-round, ongoing ministry. Please register for childcare so we can have sufficient childcare workers. 

Caring Meals

Caring Meals provides meals to families in our church experiencing a challenging time. To help provide meals, or to request meals, contact Brandy Beekman,
Ignite Hope exists to coordinate and equip the LC3 church family, in response to the Gospel, by promoting, supporting, and caring for all human lives in our community.  This team has three areas of emphasis: 1) Pregnancy support and abortion recovery/healing, 2) Supporting families involved with adoption and/or foster care, and 3) Helping raise awareness of mental health needs within the church and community.

To receive support in any of these areas and to volunteer on any of these teams, contact

Pregnancy Support

The Pregnancy Support focus (Life Guards) within LC3’s Ignite Hope ministry supports unexpectedly pregnant women and couples who face the pressure to abort by providing hope, accurate information, judgment-free compassion, and connection to healing resources for women and men who have been touched by reproductive loss in the past.

We partner with Embrace Grace to provide a caring support group for young women experiencing unexpected pregnancies, including hosting a baby shower for young mothers.  If you'd like to volunteer on the pregnancy support team or are a mother or father in need of support, contact us at

Foster Care Support

At LC3 we believe God has called the local church to come alongside foster families providing support to them as they open their hearts and homes to children in need. Statistics show that when a foster family has support, they are more likely to continue fostering children in need of families.

Ignite Hope does this by creating Care Communities who offer tangible support to foster families through providing meals, helping with tutoring, childcare, transportation, laundry, yard work, etc. Care Communities are a group of 4-8 people on a rotating schedule supporting the foster family.

Mental Health Support

Saturdays 10-11:30am | Large Conference Room
LC3's Ignite Hope ministry is partnering with Fresh Hope to bring mental health care to our church. Fresh Hope is a peer-to-peer, Christ-centered wellness approach for those who suffer from a mental health challenge and for their loved ones. This approach, connecting faith and recovery principles, empower and encourages individuals to live full and rich lives in spite of their diagnosis.