"Marriage is a sacred bond between two imperfect people which is made possible by a perfect God, and held together with limitless love, unshakable faith and an undying devotion for one another."
- Dave Willis
Lake City Community Church is a family-equipping church. Having a healthy family means having a healthy marriage. Whether you're thinking about getting married, or wanting to improve your marriage, we are here to support you!

Merge prepares seriously dating and engaged couples for marriage by addressing common challenges from a biblical perspective in a fun and authentic environment. If you are engaged or considering getting engaged, Merge is for you! We host Merge multiple times throughout the year - watch our Events page for our next class!
re | engage
Marriage comes with challenges, but it's worth it! Is communication a constant struggle? Do your conflicts seem to never feel resolved and resurface again and again? Do you feel hopeless in healing from relational hurts? You are not alone. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or is in need of a complete resurrection, a better marriage starts at re|engage!
Re|engage is an ongoing and open ministry, so there is no need to register beforehand. You can start your journey through re|engage at anytime. We would love for you to join us on any Thursday night you are available! If you would like to enter your child (ages 3mo-Grade 5) in childcare, please register for childcare so we can have sufficient childcare workers.
Re|engage offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward unity through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. Join us for this weekly experience including a time of music, prayer, teaching or testimony by a couple who has experienced victory in the midst of hard times, and small group time following a specified curriculum.
A typical evening:
Re|engage is an ongoing and open ministry, so there is no need to register beforehand. You can start your journey through re|engage at anytime. We would love for you to join us on any Thursday night you are available! If you would like to enter your child (ages 3mo-Grade 5) in childcare, please register for childcare so we can have sufficient childcare workers.
Re|engage offers hope to marriages by helping couples move toward unity through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. Join us for this weekly experience including a time of music, prayer, teaching or testimony by a couple who has experienced victory in the midst of hard times, and small group time following a specified curriculum.
A typical evening:
- Everyone gathers at 6:30 PM in Kid's Main for a large group time of worship and testimony or teaching.
- Everyone transitions to small groups according to their stage on the re|engage journey.
- Newcomers Group: First-time guests stay in Kids Main after large group for orientation.
- Open Groups: Couples preparing to complete the curriculum in a permanent group meet in rooms immediately following large group to discuss a specific marriage topic together.
- Closed Groups: Couples that have been placed in a permanent group to work through the curriculum together meet in rooms with their group and leader couple.

First Steps Class
Child Dedication & Parent Commitment is a special time where you – the primary faith trainer of your child – make a formal commitment to raise them in a Christ-centered home. We see examples of this in Scripture, such as when Hannah dedicated Samuel at the temple (1 Samuel 1:24–2:10) and when Mary and Joseph dedicated Jesus (Luke 2:22). Ideally, you want to make this commitment in front of your church family as a public pledge that you will raise your child to know, love, and follow Jesus.
Parent Commitment is your commitment to model, teach, and reinforce the Christian faith by intentionally raising your child in a Christ-centered home. It should not be confused with your child’s personal choice to follow Christ. The Bible clearly teaches that each person must decide for themselves to trust in Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9-10). The age a child is ready to make this personal decision will vary depending on the child.
First Steps is a class where we walk through what it looks like to dedicate your child to God and to commit as a parent to raising them in a Christ-centered home. We'll give you practical tips that you can implement at home. If you would like to participate in one of our Child Dedication & Parent Commitment ceremonies in service, please take this class.
Parent Commitment is your commitment to model, teach, and reinforce the Christian faith by intentionally raising your child in a Christ-centered home. It should not be confused with your child’s personal choice to follow Christ. The Bible clearly teaches that each person must decide for themselves to trust in Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord (Romans 10:9-10). The age a child is ready to make this personal decision will vary depending on the child.
First Steps is a class where we walk through what it looks like to dedicate your child to God and to commit as a parent to raising them in a Christ-centered home. We'll give you practical tips that you can implement at home. If you would like to participate in one of our Child Dedication & Parent Commitment ceremonies in service, please take this class.
Partnering With Parents
Parents are the first and best disciplers of their own children. If you are a parent, we are committed to praying for you, resourcing you, encouraging you, and coming alongside you. But we know we can't do it for you. For questions about how we support families and marriages, please contact us at Info@LC3.com.
Agape Co-Op
LC3 believes in the importance of Christian education (both homeschooling and Christian schools). Agape is a co-op made of families called and devoted to homeschooling their children for the glory of God. The co-op meets on campus on Mondays (8:30am-1:00pm) for students from nursery to seniors in high school. For more information, contact Agape leaders at AgapeCommunityCoOp@gmail.com.
We have a self-serve library for all ages with a variety of books, audio books, and movies. Stop by anytime the building is open. Find it off the Lower Lobby, immediately to the right when you come through the main entrance.

Pastor David Pritchard
Pastor of Family Discipleship and Congregational Care
David married his wife Kelli in June 1982. They have 11 kids, 6 children-in-law, and 16 grandchildren. As a family, they have been attending LC3 since Spring 2002, but David attended the church for the first time when he was 5 years old.
Favorite Bible verse: Romans 8:28
Favorite Washington location: the beach at Ocean Shores, having lunch with Kelli at Topside overlooking the water, or hanging out by the water with the kids and grandkids down at Point Ruston
Favorite Bible verse: Romans 8:28
Favorite Washington location: the beach at Ocean Shores, having lunch with Kelli at Topside overlooking the water, or hanging out by the water with the kids and grandkids down at Point Ruston