Suellen's Story

Suellen Spencer is a volunteer in our Alpha ministry, which is starting at LC3 this Fall.

Before we moved to this area, my husband Christopher and I attended a church that offered the Alpha course twice a year. During that time, we were privileged to host a table together.  When we heard that LC3 was planning to offer this course we were excited to participate in this special ministry once again.

It was a joy to serve together, as we prayed for and interacted with the guests at our table. We got to converse with unbelievers, new believers, those who were curious, and those who were unsure of their salvation about the most important topics in the world: Why am I here? Who is Jesus and why did He die? How can I have faith?

We learned to rely not on our own wits, but on the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God working in the hearts of our guests. Many prayed to receive Christ and we saw many lives transformed as they continued to grow and serve in God’s Kingdom. We got to be part of that!

What a great privilege it is to participate in the work of the Kingdom of God! We are anticipating again helping people find answers to life’s challenging questions at LC3’s Alpha this Fall.
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