Jodi's Story
Jeremy & Jodi Durr were part of a marriage panel at our 2023 Marriage Conference.
“Shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our lives: secrecy, silence, and judgment.”
– Brene Brown
When I was praying about what to share about our experience as one of the panel members at the recent marriage conference, one word came immediately to mind: vulnerability. The benefit of hearing from a panel of fellow Christians is the willingness of each individual to open themselves up rather than living in secrecy and silence where Satan likes to dwell. We can all feel so alone in our sins and struggles. Looking around at church, we can both assume and compare. What the panel revealed to me is that we are all a work in progress. When we come to Christ, we are immediately saved. However, we continue to be sanctified. It’s a dance between us and God where He is working to purify us, but we are also continuously putting off our old selves and choosing submission to God’s ways. To hear our fellow brothers and sisters be vulnerable in their own struggles in marriage encourages others to escape the secrecy and silence and see that in Jesus there is freedom and no condemnation.
“Shame needs three things to grow exponentially in our lives: secrecy, silence, and judgment.”
– Brene Brown
When I was praying about what to share about our experience as one of the panel members at the recent marriage conference, one word came immediately to mind: vulnerability. The benefit of hearing from a panel of fellow Christians is the willingness of each individual to open themselves up rather than living in secrecy and silence where Satan likes to dwell. We can all feel so alone in our sins and struggles. Looking around at church, we can both assume and compare. What the panel revealed to me is that we are all a work in progress. When we come to Christ, we are immediately saved. However, we continue to be sanctified. It’s a dance between us and God where He is working to purify us, but we are also continuously putting off our old selves and choosing submission to God’s ways. To hear our fellow brothers and sisters be vulnerable in their own struggles in marriage encourages others to escape the secrecy and silence and see that in Jesus there is freedom and no condemnation.